Too Much Worrying

Worrying about your child food allergies is exhausting, stressful, scary, ugh…need we go on? You know exactly what we’re talking about. Some worry is helpful in that it can spur you to find solutions and anticipate difficult situations for your family. Planning ahead to provide food on a family vacation or holiday is a great…

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It’s tough being the sibling to a brother or sister with food allergies. A child with special needs often gets more attention focused on them and daily family dynamics likely revolve around their needs. Siblings might feel jealous of the extra attention and wish that they too had a problem. Some might feel guilty and…

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Tips to Keep Safe at School

Sending your food allergic child back to school, or off to school for the very first time, is a nerve-racking experience. You’ve likely spent time considering your child’s day and thinking through potential dangers.  You may have already met with your child’s teacher and school to make sure they understand your needs and can accommodate…

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